Monday, June 1, 2009

Prada Vs Fila

HAHA Whats Real Whats Fake?

We all know that Prada is the more upscale classier brand shoe then Filia but what is it that people get crossed about these two sneakers?

Fila has been trying to make a come-back ever since Lil Jon supported them with his famous quote, " Forever I Love Atlanta." Now Fila has used Hurricane chris to support its new sneaker the fila helmsman. This is a complete copy of Prada shoe only that fila has its name on the shoe and is sold for a lower price. Fila has , " played themselves" with coping another label brand. When people see " fila-pradas" on your feet its a complete embarrassment because it shows you support a fake.

Prada on the other hand is very successful in today's society. They are becoming more open to the youth and alot of people have a pair. Prada comes in unique styles like patted-leather, metallic, leather, etc... Be sure you walk out the store with PRADAS on your feet.. Do not be seen with Fila-Pradas on trust me its not a good look

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